Booking Guide

Course Groups

Currently there are 2 groups of courses on offer: Open (generally available to any organisation but some free courses may be restricted to Surrey-based organisations only) and Citizens Advice in Surrey. Each group will show only the courses that are restricted to that group. For example, if a Surrey-based Citizens Advice organisation clicks on their link they will only see Citizens Advice courses. They can also look under the Open group to find a course but should note that Open courses are usually chargeable.

Course Pricing

The course summary should indicate if a fee is applicable to the course. If a fee is applicable, when you come to book you will see a selection of priced “tickets” available. Select the ticket corresponding to your organisation’s category. Subscriber organisations will have been advised the band (A-D) that applies to them when they subscribed.

Individual bookings

If you are only booking one place for yourself or a colleague select the course from the course listing by clicking the “View Details” button. Then select 1 from the quantity drop down menu for the relevant ticket and click on the “Register Now” button. You will then be asked for the attendee’s name, an email address (to be used for booking confirmation, etc.) and the organisation they work for. Also, if you have any special requirements, or will be bringing interpreters, please indicate this in the box provided.

If a fee is applicable to the course, click on the “Proceed to Payment Options” button. All this will do is display a message stating that you will not be billed at this stage – we will invoice your organisation when we approve the booking. Click on “Complete Registration” and you will be taken to a “Thank You” page where you can download a pdf of your booking, if required. An acknowledgement will be sent to the email address supplied. Please note that the “Not Approved” status in registration details means it has not been approved yet. It does not mean your booking has been rejected.

If the course is free, click on the “Complete Registration” and you will be taken to a “Thank You” page where you can download a pdf of your booking, if required. An acknowledgement will be sent to the email address supplied. Please note that the “Not Approved” status in registration details means it has not been approved yet. It does not mean your booking has been rejected.

Group Bookings

If you are booking several places on one course for your organisation you have two options:

  1. If you want each attendee to receive their course confirmation, etc. directly then you need to enter each attendee as described for the Individual bookings above (i.e. enter a quantity of 1).
  2. If you want all confirmations, etc. to go through one person (e.g. the training supervisor) then you can select a quantity of more than one – this will then only ask for the email address and organisation for the first attendee. This email address will be used for all correspondence relating to the booking. Then proceed to the relevant section under Individual bookings for fee applicable course or free course. Note: Only one acknowledgement email will be sent listing all the attendees for this booking. However, when each attendee’s place is approved an individual email will be sent. For example, if a training supervisor books 3 people on a course this way, they will receive 1 acknowledgment email listing the 3 attendees and then subsequently three emails when the places are approved.