- Welfare Rights Newsletter
08 Nov 2023
The charity for your community
Your child is able to claim Universal Credit (UC) unless they have more than £16,000 in savings, and their income is not too high.
If your child has already been assessed to have Limited Capability for Work or Limited Capability for Work-Related Activity (LCW/LCWRA) e.g. through a New-Style Employment and Support Allowance (NSESA) claim, the following information should be helpful.
If they have not had an assessment for LCW/LCWRA through a NSESA claim they can request one through their UC journal if they also submit a fit note. Without a work capability assessment to determine if they have LCW/LCWRA they will not be able to have a LCWRA element included in their award or move out of the all work-related requirements claimant commitment group. There is more information on how to claim at this link.
If your child is volunteering then hours volunteering can be taken into account in meeting their claimant commitment.
If they have already been assessed to have LCW/LCWRA and/or a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) award, at the next review their voluntary work will be taken into account when looking at whether the criteria are met. The information at this link will be useful.